Assalamualaikum (maria elena sound version)

Semalam, fikiran saya betul-betul serabut. Semuanya bermula dr pembatalan rancangan kami utk ke melaka for the purpose of our project paper, interviewing the majistret.

Dan ditambah lagi dgn kerja2 projek paper dan test yg sgt banyak.Paling merunsingkan is my prestasi in studies nih.I always put the highest target setiap semesta but it always goes wrong at the end. i dont know why.:'(  *sape x teringin nk dpt dekan?mesti sume naak..

Dan semalam juga my friend sorg ni burst into tears.She text-ed me mmg at the right time, i mean the time where me myself tgh sedih dan risau about my studies. I said 'the right time' sebab of course la i can really understand how bad is her feeling, yela i pon tgh sedih benda same bah!

sebab tgh sedih tu lah, saya decided to ajak dia keluar..tak la jauh mana pon, KFC seksyen 7..huhu..since we are not sebilik kan, saya rase its good for us to makan-makan her fav KFC sambil story-telling-exchanging..

yes,its a bit lega..spending time with my bestfriend ni and bercerita sampai habis stock ceritaS lam kepala.Memang dari dulu lagi,kami berkawan sejak asasi up until today..inilah kami.potpet3 hehehe....

dan yg sebenarnya...sampai hari ini bukan mudah utk saya terima hakikat bahawa saya tidak lagi akan ke class bersama beliau.not anymore, attending a same lecture, doing a same tutorial, no, tak lagi begitu..degree telah memisahkan zaman asasi kami..

terus terang,dia adalah kawan yg paling selesa utk saya jadi diri sendiri..dengan itu, secara jujurnya saya nak katakan bahawasanya lagu ini mengingatkan saya tentang dia...

You were there to light my day
You were there to guide me through
From my days down and on
I'll never stop thinking of you
(1) How can i forget all that
When you're the one who make me smile
You'll always be a part of me
How i wish you were still mine

(2) "Never will forget the day
How we've met and came this far"

We all know we got this feeling
But somehow it has to end up here
I know its me who said goodbye

And that's the hardest thing to do
Cause you mean so much to me
And guide the truth from me to you

(3) For all the things i've done and said
For all the hurt that i've caused you
I hope you will forgive me
Cause that wasn't what i meant to do

(1) Her comic & kartun attitude.yes kelakar sometimes.
(2) Refering to the first day i met her on the registration day at the bilik pendaftaran pelajar baru,Uitm Merbuk until today.
(3) I hurt and made her cry starting on part 2 of asasi. I always let her go back from the class alone while me going to the foodcourt and enjoy eating mee goreng with a 'newer fren' huhu...

i am so sorry...for i cant be good to you..

To YOU whom i storied about here, dont be sad...i believe that u can end this final challenging semesta with an excellent pointer..Usaha,Doa & Tawakal. Help,is from Allah. So dont lose hope when you are in need..have faith in him. Me also will do so Insyaallah. Allah loves his believers. Allah's announcement that believers will always be victorious is a great blessing and promise.Believe.


Anonymous said...

huhuhu~ yup..i olso can't 4get on our 1st meeting at Uitm merboks..mmg da jodoh kita kan...tetiba jumpa lg kat koop br la dpt amik num phone...seb bek ak dgn x malunya tegur hg...yg lawaknya, hg x ingat pun sapa ak...kuang3..=p n about all those part 2 punya cita tu, dun wori too much..becoz from there i've learn 2 appreciate u more.. <3 eeeee..malu la saya ckp camni...hiii~ ya, thou it was our past memories 2gether but we still remembered it as it's still in our deep down heart..n sorry becoz i can't make it like wat abg boy penah ckp."kalu dayah btol2 kawan ngan tira, gagalkan je paper n sekali satu sem ngan tira"..hii~ thou it looks like a joke, but seriously i had feel really guilty about it...maybe there is a mistake dat i've done perhaps 4 not helping u dat much in terms of 'study' during asasi.. ='( sorry again..

n 4 wat is happening yesterday, i want 2 say "a trillion of thank u sebab comfortkan sy...i noe u r da one dat can make me smile againz...u r da one dat noe almost all da things about me...n i alwayz hope dis frenship will be 4ever n ever...dr dunia smp akhirat.. =)i'Allah...

p/s : saya malu la cakap camnie..td awak dtg bilik sy pun sy rasa malu sgt dgn awak...hiii~ =P thanx u for dis touching post n beatiful song <3

Athirah Tieramiessyou said...

hahahaha kan...aku punya la takot sape la yg tau name aku tibe2 ni..rupe aku lupe...kiki

aicececceh...apreciate aku kataaa....hak3...x ar actualy aku ase giler teruk aku wat ko gituh :p sbb ase spjg sem 1 xpena kot aku or ko g mane2 sorg2..aleh2 aku dpt kwn baru wat ko cmtu ish3 xpatot2.. kesoriannn bah!

bout ape yg abg boy ckp jgn amik port okih! xlogik lgsg weh.if i were u pon mmg keje gila nk wat cmtu..kan ke part of target kita blaja utk mak ayah bukan utk kawan.haish merepek ok abg boY!

n udah2..salah aku la pe lak salah ko..haisH!aku study main2 n byk pntingkan mende lain dr study..n sume dah been fated so no point of regreting okies :)

n oh sal mlm tu ur welkam!! kita same2 tensi kan so kua lah br syiokkk nti tok batin ckp kita x sudi lak g bandar..yela kate dok perkampungan org asli kan.eh meon mane meon? hak3

me?tahu almost everything sal ko? then thers sumting to be worried about..sbb aku leh wat duet weh dgn cter ko, wat novel ke,apa ka..kuang3...(ok aku tipu je bYE!)

laa...ko malu ke upenye..kiki ingt x bace lagik tyme aku naik..aku pon x ase ape lah time tu hak3..ekceli post ni aku buat pas kita blk dr KFC..tp publish nye ke esokkan hari..biasa lah kalo type waktu kita tgh sedih, keluar sume weh!! jiwang karat, jiwang batu n segala emosi kua! haha so ayat2 dlm belog ini xsesuai diguna pakai utk hari2 biasa okay haha

sooo....mari kita lah belajar bersungguh2...bak kata ko, doa,usaha n MAKAN!!! hak3...

p/s: aku grad t belikan aku sejambak bunga cokelat eh sbb tyme ko aku akn belikan dua bijik cokelat choclairs beserta 3 choki2..ok kan?lumayan pe :p

Anonymous said...

yup..tem part 2 tu ak ase sedey la gak...smp t'nangez...hii~ tp ak counter blik by saying 2 myself "kalu ak kat tempt hg pun maybe ak t'buat cam2"...n it was olready past la..kita kn kanak2 tem tu..=p

patowt la jiwamg karat semacam post neh...tem kita dua sedey2...ak yg bc post neh pun t'jiwang karat lak semalam...aigoo~ haha..seb bek 2day x de dah..hik3..

yups..tuk ari besa mmg ak x ckp kot camneh...malu weh!!! depan ko lagi la ak x ckp..hii~ dlm tulisan tape..face to face NOOOO!!! sy p'malu..hua3.. =p

oyeahhh!!! dpt cotolat manyak..yay2..ok, jgn beli bunga taw kat ak...t manyak sgt da..(mode : perasan ramai org nk bg bunga..mcm mak n maklong ak kata)..wakekekeke =P

Athirah Tieramiessyou said...

ape3? ko malu? segan? ok aku nk cmni ar hari2 kat hang bia hang maaaalu! hak3....

weh hang pasan tak yg aku ckp aku cume nk bg hang choclairs dua bijik dgn choki? jd jgn berangan aku nk bg cokelat byk2 miahahahha (gelak jahat) yg kene bg sejambak cokelat tu is hang, mesti bagi aku ok kalo x potong kapla mcm conan!!! grarrr!!!

Anonymous said...

elehh..i noe which 1 is sincere n which 1 is a joke..cewahhh!! kalu hg wat secara men2...ak lagi pekena hg bg hg lagi malu pd ak..uyeeahh!!!hik3..

ceh..ak ingt sjmbk bunga wif coklat coclairs, plus choki2..NAMO..NAMO..NAMO..nk yg besaq gak!!!!x kira..x kira!!! tp i noe la..mesti u bg kat i yg spesel punya kan..auwwww.. i like..hohohoho.. ~__^ (mode : perasan lagi)hii~

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